FLATS Work Day on the Thousand Hills Trail

We’re getting a big group together on Saturday, August 22nd at 9:00 a.m. to groom as much of the Thousand Hills Trail as we can in preparation for the 5th Annual F*L*A*T*S Trail Half Marathon.

We’ll have some extra tools for volunteers. Bring loppers, weed-eaters, brush cutters, and any other equipment that’ll help us get the trail into perfect condition! Bug spray, gloves, and long sleeves aren’t a bad idea either.

Please RSVP on the Facebook Event page so we can get people to the locations where they can get the most done and check there for meeting locations (probably the two trail heads -marked by a red and a green dot – on the map).Thousand Hills Map Mile Markers andTH

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Sign-up Available for the Red, White, and Blue Ride on July 3rd!

Moonlight Ride: the cyclists on Steer Creek trail

As of today, you can sign up for the first ever Red, White, and Blue Ride taking place on July 3rd! You might remember it as the Hilliest FLATS Ride Ever. A few things have changed this year and we hope to encourage greater participation.

New features of the 2015 event include:

1) The starting and ending location for all events is Shelter 3 at Thousand Hills State Park in Kirksville, Missouri. All routes (6, 18, 63) are new and suggested by members of the community.

2)A 3-mile Community Event for runners, bikers, walkers, and combinations can now also be done and part of the route includes Phase 1 of the FLATS Trail! So bring your kids, pets, family, friends and make a day of it! Note: Owners are responsible for cleaning up after pets!

3)This is a co-sponsored event of FLATS and Kirksville Kiwanis. Participant fees will be split evenly. FLATS donations will help continue building the trail and Kiwanis donations will go towards the Kiwanis Playground Fund.

Come join us for a fun, relaxed, and activity filled experience at Thousand Hills State Park today. Our starting location is Shelter 3.

We would like to thank our generous sponsors Road ID, Kirksville Dental Group, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Hy-Vee, and Complete Family Medicine. Are you interested in being a sponsor? Contact mahoogla@gmail.com today for details!

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Phase One of The Forest Lake Area Trail System is Open!!!

Thanks to the efforts and faith of many, many people Phase One of the Forest Lake Area Trail System is officially open for your enjoyment!!!

We were always confident that this project would serve the entire community but seeing hundreds of people old and young using this trail has been truly inspiring. Already the project has exceeded our expectations.

Now that the dust is just about settled and we’ve had a little time to catch our collective breath the FLATS Steering Committee is beginning planning for the next Phases! Stay tuned here for more information as it becomes available and don’t hesitate to contact us and talk about this exciting project.

And if you haven’t been out to Thousand Hills State Park to see what YOU built make sure you visit and enjoy our trail soon!

Phase 1 Final Map Bing

FLATS Phase One Map

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Phase One Dedication Ceremony Announced

Please join us for the Official Dedication of Phase One of the FLATS Trail at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 22nd in Thousand Hills State Park.

There will be many special guests with more details to be announced as the date approaches.

Thanks to you we’ll have this beautiful trail for generations to come! Please join us and show all the VIPs in attendance how excited we are to bring this trail all the way to Kirksville!

Trail Photo Jay Beets 01-10-2015

Photo Credit: Jay Beets


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FLATS Hike! – Presented by NEMO Heart Health Kirksville Walking Club

Join the NEMO Heart Health Kirksville Walking Club for a guided hike provided by FLATS! We’ll be exploring Phase 1 of the project!

The hike will start at 10am at the parking lot by the dining lodge. If you would like to carpool to Thousand Hills, you can also meet at the Health and Fitness Center (2814 South Baltimore Street) at 9:30am!

EVERYONE is welcome! The Kirksville Walking Club is all about community involvement so invite anyone who wants to come out and get physically active while enjoying the sights and sounds of nature!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Caity Biberdorf at cmb5713@truman.edu or Katie Shields at krs1182@truman.edu.

FLATS Hike Flyer April 2015

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Registration Open for the 2014 Hilliest FLATS Ride Ever

Moonlight Ride: the cyclists on Steer Creek trail1_5650013_logo_black_rgb_jpg

Bring your friends, family, co-workers, and join fellow FLATS and biking enthusiasts on July 5th. The ride departs at 7:30 am to go on one of three routes: Red (Beginner/7 miles), White (Intermediate/26 miles), and Blue (Advanced/60 miles). SAG (Support and Gear) stations are located on all 3 routes. All participants must wear helmets for the duration of the ride!

Registration costs $10 and includes a ticket to the Pancake Breakfast. Note: Riders must be at the Pancake Breakfast by 11 am in order to eat the pancakes.

To register (and for route maps), click here.

To pay, please bring cash or check to Debi Boughton (Chamber of Commerce), to Dan Martin or Lynda Crossgrove (Thompson Campus Center) at A.T. Still University, or prior to the start of the ride on July 5th. Checks should be made payable to the Kirksville Rotary Charitable Fund.

If you have any questions or if you would like to assist, feel free to contact Event Coordinators Margaret Hoogland (crosscoutry02@gmail.com) or Alec Zier (aleczier@gmail.com).

Let’s hear it for the sponsors without whom this event would not be possible:

The YMCA, Road ID, Kirksville Dental Group, Hy-Vee, Rooks Law Firm, and Complete Family Medicine!

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Last Opportunity to Add Your Name to Trail Head Plaque

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Sunset along the Phase One Route

To celebrate the FLATS Phase One Groundbreaking the Forest Lake Area Trail System has set Thursday, October 3 as the deadline for donors’ names to be added to a plaque that will be placed at the trail head in Thousand Hills State Park.

FLATS has set a goal of raising an additional $12,500 by this date. These funds will support the design and construction of the next two phases of the project.

This permanent plaque will thank residents, businesses, and others who saw the promise of this project for Kirksville and Adair County and helped to make this project a reality before the first shovelful of dirt was turned.

Individuals, businesses with fewer than five employees, and non-profit organizations that have donated $500 or more by Thursday, October 3, and larger businesses that have donated $1000 or more, will all be recognized on this plaque.

Including grants, cash donations, and in-kind donations, FLATS has raised over $275,000.

For more information please email flatskv@gmail.com or contact one of the members of the FLATS Steering Committee listed on the website.

100% of all donations to FLATS support the construction, promotion, planning, and maintenance of trails in AdairCounty. The Kirksville Rotary Charitable Fund is the 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor of the Forest Lake Area Trail System. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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DNR Crews Begin Building Phase One

Department of Natural Resources construction crews arrived at Thousand Hills to begin preparing the site Monday, September 9, and have already marked the trail route, installed 7000 feet of silt fence as part of our Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, and have prepared the site for a beautiful 80’ pedestrian bridge.

Soon they’ll be pouring the center pier and abutments for a beautiful 80′ bridge on the shore north of the Thousand Hills Dining Lodge.

Bridge Clearing

Clearing for the Phase One Bridge Construction

The DNR did incredible prep and design work for this project and now we get to see the results!

Check back here for construction updates and make sure to come to the Petroglyph site Thursday, October at 4:00 pm for the FLATS Phase One Groundbreaking Celebration and see what we’ve all accomplished with your own two eyes!

Silt Fence Installer 575x370

DNR Crews with Skidsteer and Silt Fence Installer.

This approximately .59 mile section of trail, the first section of a proposed 4-mile trail linking Thousand Hills State Park with the City of Kirksville, will connect the Thousand Hills Dining Lodge and historic petroglyph site with an 8′ wide ADA-accessible concrete trail.

Funding is provided by a $100,000 grant from the Recreational Trails Program, in-kind donations from volunteers and the Department of Natural Resources, and generous donations from the project’s many supporters.

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Phase One Groundbreaking Celebration Thursday, October 3rd!

Heavy Equipment 575x370

Construction Equipment at Thousand Hills

The day has come to celebrate the start of construction on Phase One of the Forest Lake Area Trail System! Mark your calendars for the official FLATS Phase One Groundbreaking Celebration on Thursday, October 3rd at 4:00 p.m.

The Groundbreaking Celebration will be at the Petroglyph Site and feature special guests, presentation of the final designs for Phase One, an update on the construction schedule, music from the Kirksville High School Band, and a chance to begin digging on the trail route.

If you’d like to join in, please bring a shovel!

Please take a moment to RSVP for the Groundbreaking Celebration at the Facebook Event page so we can be prepared for all our guests. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, October 3!

Phase One Aerial View Photo Credit Kelly Rogers

Aerial View of Phase One Site
Photo Credit: Kelly Rogers

And thanks again for sharing the FLATS vision.

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North Star Rotary Hosts FLATS Fundraiser at Ruby Tuesday

Please join the Rotary Club of Kirksville–North Star and the Forest Lake Area Trail System Friday, September 20th for a fundraiser at Ruby Tuesday!

Ruby Tuesday will only make a donation (20% of the total purchase) to FLATS if you bring a flyer indicating that you’re there to support FLATS. So, don’t forget to print the flyer and bring it to Ruby Tuesday Friday!

Flyers are available at the Facebook event page for this fundraiser or through this link.

We hope to see you at Ruby Tuesday between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. on Friday to support FLATS!

Ruby Tuesday 575x370 Image

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